Blue Fin Rock Harbor Marina & RV Resort

Navigation Information
Monitoring CH 14
Mean Low Water 3.5' High Water 6.5'
Rodriguez Point GPS
Latitude: 25.00°.086N
Longitude: 080°32.110W
Middle of Anchorage GPS
Latitude: 25.02°.324N
Longitude: 080°27.885W
Blue Fin Rock Harbor Marina GPS
Latitude: 25°04.086N
Longitude: 080°27.606W
NOAA Chart#: 11451
Season: Year-Around
Prevailing winds: Easterly
Average Air Temp: Summer 80-95 degrees Winter 60-72 degrees
Distance to Open Water: 2 NM
Enter Rock Harbor just North of Rodriguez Key.
Stay 1/2 mile off the North end of Rodriguez to avoid grounding on the sandbar.
Sail directly into the center of the boat anchorage before turning northwestward into Rock Harbor Marina.
Note: It is NOT recommended to enter at night!
During Hurricane warnings all boats MUST LEAVE the Marina
All Docks have finger piers and have:
Full Electric, Purified Water, Cable TV access and ample cleating
Total number of slips: 25
Accommodating boats up to 60'
Max. beam: 28'
Commercial Laundromat (8AM-8PM)
Boat ramp available
Marina rates are provided on request.
PLEASE CALL to inquire.
Marina Office Hours: Monday - Sunday 8 AM to 5PM
Local Useful Information
Car Rentals available
Taxi Service available
Charter fishing
Bait and Tackle
Distance to convenience grocery market: 1/2 mile
Distance to full grocery market: Publix: 2 miles
Walgreens, CVS Pharmacy: 1 mile